Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Epistle to my homeboy

Dear Dr. C.,
Thank you for letting us watch the death scene in Middlemarch instead of fast forwarding through it. Seeing crusty old Mr. Casaubon die in the film adaptation made waiting until page 482 worth it.

Dear Kayla/Krista/K__a from Romanticism class,
Watching you play solitaire hinders my ability to understand accentual syllabic verse in Wordsworth's poetry. You are responsible for my (un)success on that question of the midterm.

Dear Rebecca F.,
Thank you for meeting me for lunch. The chili was as good as I expected, and so was the conversation. I don't think there is necessarily a link between the two, but just in case there is, let's go eat chili again sometime.

Dear student named Rachel,
You made me explain topic sentences for 40 minutes, which I didn't really mind, but you should have just listened harder the first time. Of course I explained it perfectly, so it wasn't me.

Dear universe,
Today you are shifting. In a good way. So thanks for that.


  1. Is your universe shifting to categorize chili as magical and/or fruit? Or do you eat your chili with Starbursts?

  2. I love these letters Rebecca! What a creative way to remember the ups and downs. You are such a great writer!
